Buxton Heath
Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza
Marsh Helleborine - Epipactis palustris
Blunt Flowered Rush - Juncus subnodulosus
Marsh Cinquefoil - Potentilla palustres
Cross Leaved Heath - Erica tetralix
Twayblade - Listera ovata
Hoe Rough
Hemlock - Conium maculatum
Labyrinth Spider - Angelena labrynthica
Water droplets on it's web.
Azure Damsel Fly - Coenagrion paella
Common Blue Damsel Fly - Enallagma cyathigerurm
Hoe Rough
Foxley Wood
Common Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza fuschii
Greater Butterfly Orchid - Platanthera chlorantha
More than a little bit over but still beautiful
A little bit of
Park Gate Down
The picture belies the story of the thousands of orchids upstanding in these three fields.
A delicate overhang tall grass.
A middle layer of Quaking grass
The orchid layer
The ground layer.
one very broken
Butterfly Orchid.
Sadly a bit blowy today to take lots of pictures.
Pyramidal Orchid - Anacamptis pyramidal
Fragrant Orchid - Gymnadenia conopsea
Darland Bank
Sainfoin - Onobrychis viciifolia
Pyramidal Orchid - Anacamptis pyramidal
Man Orchid - Orchis anthropophora
Marsh Orchid
Marsh Fern - Thelypteris palustris
Large Wintergreen - Pyrola rotundifolia
Fen Orchid - Liparis loeselii
Alderford Common
Pyramidal Orchid - Anacamptis pyramidal
Fairy Flax - LInum cathartic
Crested Dog's Tail - Cynosurus cristatus
Meadow Oat Grass - Helictotrichon pratense
Common Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza fuchsii
Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza praetermissa ?
Bee Orchid - Ophrys apifera
6 spikes on Overstrained cliffs. 2 spikes further down the slope.
Bee Orchid - Ophrys apifera
Southrepps Common
Cotton Grass - Eriophorum vaginatum
Ragged Robin - Lychnis flos-culculi
Winterton Dunes
Roe Deer - Capreolus capreolus
Creeping Willow - Salix repens
Labyrinth Spider - Agelena labyrinthica
Common Polypody - Polypody vulgare
Lady's Bedstraw - Gallium serum
Royal Fern - Osmunda regalis
A wet slack - Royal Fern and Smooth Rush
Cross - leaved Heath - Erica tetralix
Sea Sandwort - Honckenya peploides
Sea Holly - Eryngium maritime
Sheep's Sorrel - Rumex acetosella
Bye for now.
Upton Fen
Flag Iris - Iris pseudacorus
Four Spotted Chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata
Ranworth Broad
Flag iris - Iris pseudacorus
Guilder Rose - Viburnum oculus
Peacock - Aglais io
Swallow Tail - Papilla machaon
Ranworth Oak - 500 yrs +?