Buxton Heath
Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza
Marsh Helleborine - Epipactis palustris
Blunt Flowered Rush - Juncus subnodulosus
Marsh Cinquefoil - Potentilla palustres
Cross Leaved Heath - Erica tetralix
Twayblade - Listera ovata
Park Gate Down
The picture belies the story of the thousands of orchids upstanding in these three fields.
A delicate overhang tall grass.
A middle layer of Quaking grass
The orchid layer
The ground layer.
one very broken
Butterfly Orchid.
Sadly a bit blowy today to take lots of pictures.
Pyramidal Orchid - Anacamptis pyramidal
Fragrant Orchid - Gymnadenia conopsea
Yocklett's Bank
Twayblade - Neottia ovata
Fly Orchid - Ophrys insectifera
Wayfaring Tree - Viburnum lanterna
Stockbury Hill Wood
Lady Orchid - Orchis purpurea
Bugle - Ajuga reptans
Black Bryony - Dioscorea communist
Twayblade - Neottia ovata