Bonsai Bank
Lady Orchid - Orchis purpurea
Wayfaring Tree - Viburnum lantana
White Helleborine - Cephalanthera damasonium
Duke of Burgundy Fritillaries
Yocklett's Bank
Twayblade - Neottia ovata
Fly Orchid - Ophrys insectifera
Wayfaring Tree - Viburnum lanterna
Park Gate Down
Early Purple Orchid - Orchis mascula
Cowslip - Primula veris
Fly Orchid - Ophrys insectifera
Salad Burnet - Sanguisorbia minor
Stockbury Hill Wood
Lady Orchid - Orchis purpurea
Bugle - Ajuga reptans
Black Bryony - Dioscorea communist
Twayblade - Neottia ovata
Kiln Wood
Early Purple Orchid - Orchis macula
Twayblade - Neottia Ovata
Meadow Sweet - Filependula ulmaria
Sweet Vernal Grass - Anthoxanthum odoratum
Herb Paris - Paris quadrifolium
Marden Meadow
Meadow Buttercup - Ranunculus across
Green-Winged Orchis - Anacamptis morio
Dandelion - Taraxacum official
Burham Down
Crosswort - Cruciata leavipes
Thick Legged Flower Beetle - Oedemara nobilis
Also know as the False Oil Beetle or the Swollen -Thighed Beetle ( Males only show the enlarged thighs)
Germander Speedwell - Veronica chamaedrys
Chaffinch - Fringilla coelebs
Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis
Wren - Troglodytes troglodytes
Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchos
The highlight of the morning was the singing nightingales and the singing whitethroats across the reserve.
With Blackcap and Garden Warbler as the supporting chorus.
Roadside Early Purple Orchid
Early Purple Orchid - Orchis mascula
Alderford Common
Wild Garlic - Allium ursine
Alderford Common SSSI
Chines Water Deer - Hydrates inermis
Little Egret - Egreta garzetta
2 Knot
1 Curlew Sandpiper
25 Dunlin
2 Common Sandpiper
1 Greenshank
C20 Black Tailed Godwit
4 Ruff 1
Cwm Clettwr
Bramble - Rubus fructicosus
Creeping Jenny - Lysimachia nummularia
Dog Violet - Viola raviniana
Larch - Larix decidua
Sweet Vernal Grass - Anthoxanthum odoratum
Cors Dyfi
The home of the Dyfi Osprey Project
Male catkins
Female catkins
Male and female catkins on separate plants.
Also the home of this super little plant.
Bog Myrtle or Sweetgale - Myrica gale
You get a sweet resinous scent if you crush the males catkins.
Stunning male lesser Redpolls and a number of SIskins.
Crossword - Cruciata laevipes
Greater Stitchwort - Stellaria holostea
Pentre Mawr
Lesser Redpoll - Acanthis flame
Primrose - Primula vulgaris
Wood Anemone - Anemone nemorosa
Wood Sorrell - Oxalis acetosella
Opposite-Leaved Golden Saxifrage - Chrysosplenium oppositifolium