Overy Marshes
Sunrise over Overy Marshes
Pinkfeet in their hundreds flying out to feed.
Curlew - Numenius arquata
A woodcock flew out just at the bottom of the boardwalk.
Sandering, Brent , Turnstones, Cormorants and a variety of gulls out on the sand
and the bouys
An Isabelline Wheatear was picking about on the grass.
A dim and distant Isabelline Wheatear - Oenanthe isabellina
and a very handsome
Northern Wheatear
Oenanthe Oenanthe
was very confiding
on the tide line on the way back.
(With grateful thanks to the photographer who found it)
Little Egret - Egretta garzetta
The light changed so rapidly this morning. From dark to this last photo when the sun came out and bathed Salthouse.
He really liked this area for a while this morning.
Perching on the pole tops and eyeing the flies.
Dashing off, up and around - putting on superb display.
A little bit of preening.
Desert Wheatear - Oenanthe desert
Managed to get a bit closer today hence the number of photos.
He just wouldn't turn and look at us all standing on the shingle just focussed on the insects over the water.
Sea Aster seed heads - Tripolium pannonicum
The whole marsh is resplendent in these fluffy seed heads at the moment.
House Sparrow ( Passser domesticus) caught with it's mouth full.
Teal - Anas crecca
Jackdaw - Corvus monedula
Comma - Polygonia c-album
Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta
Almost falling apart from the rigours of the year.
Long Tailed Duck
Clangula hyemalis
from the
Babcock hide.
Stonechat - Saxicola rubicola
Desert Wheatear - Oenanthe deserti
Yellow Horned Poppy - Glaucium flava
A nice little party of Shorelarks (Eremophila alpestris)on the beech
Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
in the village.
From Trimingham looking towards Sidestrand
A lone Brent - Branta bernicla on the clifftop
Thorpe Market
View from Thorpe Market to Southrepps Church from a gap in the hedge at the end of Topshill Rd
Stonechat - Saxicola rubicola
Isabelline Wheatear - Oenanthe isabellina
Just down there between the two fences scuffling about in the willow herb, creeping thistle and the odd sycamore sapling
an accentor that has made ornithological history this autumn.
Siberian Accentor - Prunella montanella
Well worth reading is the weekly Rare Bird Alert Weekly round up
the previous one
Dutch Birding has an article about this incredible influx of Siberian Accentors
59 to date
Update: Unprecedented influx of Siberian Accentors in Europe
The real deal from Shetland Wildlife
And an analysis of the winds that brought them from
Great black - backed Gull - Larus marinus
Herring Gull - Larus argentatus
Blakeney Point
A few Redwing exploding out of the sueda
One Redpoll
One adult Peregrine in the sunshine out on the sand
one juvenile chasing pigeons in the dunes
A Marsh Harrier
A superb windswept day.
Mallard - Anas platyrynchos
Totally resplendent in his fresh autumn plumage.
Teal - Anas crécha
Such a delicate variety of feather patterning.
Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficolis
So handsome and delicate.
Cute in fact.
Wigeon - Anas penelope
Unmistakable white flashes especially against the grey sky.
Garden Drove
October Sunshine
The soft high peep of Goldcrests
as they flit through the sycamore leaves
delicately picking here and there.
A skylark practicing for next spring.
An explosion of Redwing freshly arrived from
Norway as they leave the berries behind.
Soft threads glinting in the sunshine from the
myriad of gossamer trails.
and the mellow hum of the flies and wasps
on the ivy.
As Mrs May and Mr Davis trample
on parliamentary sovereignty.
and keep telling us that
was overwhelming
mustn't complain
those who were to
Add insult to injury 48% of the UK population are now being demonised by
Daily Mail
(Daily Mail 12/10/16)
In the original vote to join the EU there was a clear majority to join
67.23 % to 32.77%
on a
64.62% turnout
But notice the level of demonisation.
This is Civil War
Holkham Pines
Radde's Warbler somewhere in here. Phylloscopus schwarzi
Common Reed - Phragmites australis
Holm Oak - Quercus ilex
At least 3 Yellow Browed Warblers
Brambling a plenty flying over
It was in here first thing yesterday morning.
Not to be seen though.
Responded well to a recording
I forgot to switch my microphone
Fleeting glimpses in the sycamore
and gorse later in the morning.
First thing this morning it was in the bramble and willow herb
just here.
Perched on a bramble
reached for the sky.
The recorder was switched on this morning.
Garden Drove
East Hills from the bottom of Garden Drove
Can you just see the flash of red as the Redstart flew along the hedge line.
A whisper of Goldcrests flew along the track
dinking about in the sycamores overhead.
to the accompaniment
superbly viewed in the sycamore.
not the
Red Breasted Flycatcher
which two turned up later.
Ivy - Hedera helix
Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta
Common Wasp - Vespula vulgaris
Common Green Bottle Fly - Lucilia seracata
Supping the Ivy on a warm October afternoon.
Holkham Pines
Long Tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudates
Razor Shells - Ensis arcuatus
Alexander Mcqueen - 2001 for Voss
In McQueen’s Words
“My friend George and I were walking on the beach in Norfolk, and there were thousands of [razor-clam] shells. They were so beautiful,
I thought I had to do something with them. So, we decided to make [a dress] out of them. . . . The shells had outlived their usefulness
on the beach, so we put them to another use on a dress. Then Erin [O’Conner] came out and trashed the dress, so their usefulness
was over once again. Kind of like fashion, really.”
WWD, September 28, 2000
Alexander McQueen - Savage Beauty
A more recent use of razor shells by Norfolk artist Liz McGowan.