Little Egret - Egretta garzetta
The light changed so rapidly this morning. From dark to this last photo when the sun came out and bathed Salthouse.
He really liked this area for a while this morning.
Perching on the pole tops and eyeing the flies.
Dashing off, up and around - putting on superb display.
A little bit of preening.
Desert Wheatear - Oenanthe desert
Managed to get a bit closer today hence the number of photos.
He just wouldn't turn and look at us all standing on the shingle just focussed on the insects over the water.
Sea Aster seed heads - Tripolium pannonicum
The whole marsh is resplendent in these fluffy seed heads at the moment.
House Sparrow ( Passser domesticus) caught with it's mouth full.
Teal - Anas crecca
Jackdaw - Corvus monedula
Comma - Polygonia c-album
Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta
Almost falling apart from the rigours of the year.
Long Tailed Duck
Clangula hyemalis
from the
Babcock hide.
Mallard - Anas platyrynchos
Totally resplendent in his fresh autumn plumage.
Teal - Anas crécha
Such a delicate variety of feather patterning.
Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficolis
So handsome and delicate.
Cute in fact.
Wigeon - Anas penelope
Unmistakable white flashes especially against the grey sky.