Blakeney Point
11/11/16 18:23 Filed in: Blakeney Point
A morning of contrasts with quickly changing light.
The sun breaking through cloud cover behind me.
and then to the left
which then transformed
But ahead this lovely layer of cloud hanging in the air
Lots of Blackbirds on the way out in the Sueda. Continental presumably but impossible to see the scalloping.
and then the best of rainbows.
Which became a double one.
A sensuous calm to all this
Ripples in the sand
The old boat about a quarter way out stood out this morning with
some glorious colours and patterns to be found in its senescence.
Purple Sandpiper poking about in the rocks.
Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)
Starfish (Asterias rubens)
Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)